Professional Networking
The National Institute of Whole Health provides a variety of support and services for its learners and graduates. As our focus is on serving those who serve others within medicine and health care, we have surveyed our learners to identify what types of support they prefer once they have completed the program. Below is a list of the resources and networking opportunities.
NIWH provides post-professional health education training that combined with an applicable degree and professional liability insurance, can be submitted for a National Provider Identification (NPI) number. This NPI number allows for secondary insurance billing and coding for patient health education services. For more information, please contact the NIWH Program Services Office at 888-354-HEAL (4325).
The NIWH Billing & Coding Manual is available for Providers Hiring or Utilizing the Services of an NIWH trained Whole Health Educator. In addition, a specially prepared Billing and Coding Manual is available to all NIWH graduates who provide patient health education services and have applied for and received an NPI number. For all NIWH professionals working in or for a medical practice or clinic, NIWH provides a billing and coding manual for your office to direct bill for patient education services. If an NIWH graduate has their own NPI number, a specially prepared Billing and Coding Manual for Health Education services will be provided to you upon graduation. for more information contact the NIWH administrative office at 888-354-HEAL (4325).
Professional Malpractice Insurance through the world’s largest organization representing qualified and credentialed educators and counselors. The American Counseling Association offers its members outstanding malpractice insurance through HPSO, Healthcare Provider Services Organization, which insures credentialed health education counseling professionals. For more information contact the NIWH office – 888-354-(4325).
For NIWH Learners and Graduates – Monthly FREE Business Development and Practice Building Tele-Conference Seminars – This important graduate networking and support service for NIWH graduates provides the knowledge and additional tools and networking necessary to understand and succeed in today’s health care competitive environments. As an outgrowth of the NIWH Whole Health Success workshops, you can sign-up for the seminars by simply e-mailing Program Services at You will be sent the conference call in information and scheduled times and dates for the seminars. In addition, each month the program services administrator conducts a live Q & A call in for all new and current learners on any subject relating to the course work, proctored exams, case studies or the final paper project. E-mails with days and times and call in information are sent each month to all learners and graduates.

The NIWH comprehensive, scientifically rigorous programs qualify our Whole Health learners to test out for the Chronic Care Professional national certification, and move on to the Registered Health Coach® program, which if successfully completed, leads to registration on the PartnersinImprovement® National Online Health Coach Registry®. Special NIWH discounts apply. Click here for more information
In 2006, John Reed, MD, then Chief Medical Officer of the Health Support division of Healthways, Inc., one of the country’s largest integrative health insurance networks, worked with the National Institute of Whole Health to establish criteria for the credentialing of Whole Health Advocates and Health and Wellness Coaches into the Healthways WholeHealth Networks, and WholeHealth MD national integrative health networks. As a result, and because of the education and professional credentials required to enter any of the NIWH Whole Health programs, NIWH graduates are accepted into the Healthway’s national networks, and their WholeHealth Living Network, as both a credentialed Whole Health Advocate and a Health and Wellness Coach. This Healthways enrollment opportunity is available only to credentialed NIWH Whole Health graduates. For details contact NIWH at 888-354-4325.
Career Guidance and Facilitation – All NIWH Whole Health graduates can request personalized Career Guidance and Facilitation after the successful completion of their program. This free service is designed to assist the health or education professional in identifying and achieving their individual career and work goals and how they may want to apply their Whole Health training in the current healthcare, education or wellness environments; or how to go about setting up and successfully conducting their own practice or business.
The National Institute of Whole Health has partnered with to bring the visionary, online Wellness Inventory to its Whole Health learners. A specially prepared video Wellness Inventory course is now part of the Whole Health programs. This Whole Person Wellness Program resonates with NIWH’s values and philosophy, as well as the mission of facilitating individual’s Whole Health and the promotion of Whole Person Care and Whole Health Self-Care. NIWH graduates may take the Wellness Inventory training at a special 30% savings for NIWH learners. For details call 888-354-HEAL (4325). For a special FREE course, graduates should contact NIWH at 888-354-4325.
NIWH is an approved provider of prerequisite course work for nurses who wish to apply for the AHNCC Board Certified Nurse Coach certification. NIWH also provides mentor information for the required clinically supervised hours required for the board certification.
Nurse professionals can utilize the VSNA – ANCC approved continuing Education contact hours they receive from the NIWH program to apply for the National Holistic Nurse Certification. For more information about the Holistic Nurse Certification please visit our website.
True North Business Consulting – Under the direction of attorney Cynthia Pasciuto, an NIWH consultant, certified Whole Health graduates will be provided a free business consultation that includes a personalized assessment and strategy for developing a Whole Health practice or business. In addition, NIWH graduates have special access to outstanding on-line video streamed resources, which include Marketing Strategy, Business Development, Networking and much more. If you are looking to develop or grow your practice/professional business this outstanding service will give you the information and guidance you are looking for. Cynthia Pasciuto is an Adjunct Faculty member at Bentley University in Waltham, MA and the Director of True North Business Consulting. To contact Cynthia please call the NIWH Student Services Office at 888-354-HEAL (4325).

Attention NIWH certified Nurse Professionals – Health Dialog is a national leader in telephonic health education and coaching which invites its patient members to actively participate in their health and wellness decisions and healthcare choices. Health Dialog welcomes NIWH nurse graduates who have the Whole Health certification and appropriate work experience. If you would like more information about this exciting opportunity, read more here.
Michael Dresser Media Coaching – NIWH is proud to announce an exclusive partnership with the nationally syndicated radio talk show host and communications expert, Michael Dresser. Michael, who has spent over 29 years in broadcasting and the media, has interviewed over 30,000 guests and numerous luminaries from the political arena to the world of entertainment. Michael’s interviews of note include:
TV Legend Ed McMahon
Wayne Rogers
Dick Van Patten
Wink Martindale
Congressman Ron Paul
Daniel Pink
Glen Beck
Tim Russert
Diane Ladd
Steven Forbes
Jack Canfield
Dick Morris
Marshall Goldstein
John Gray
Sarah Palin
Ann Coulter
Tony Robbins
The Amazing Kreskin
Reverend Jerry Falwell
Mark Victor Hansen
Rita Cosby
Michael is the host of the nightly radio talk show Dresser After Dark. He will be conducting live radio interviews with qualified NIWH interns and graduates who are seeking to promote their services, books or expertise in the field of Whole Health. He also provides promotional and publicity coaching. There is no cost for this outstanding radio exposure! For details and the NIWH-Dresser ID code, please contact the Program Services Department at 888-354-4325.
Debi Silber – the Mojo Coach – Debi Silber, RD, MS, CPT, WHC – is a credentialed health professional, and NIWH Whole Health Coach graduate who has parlayed her training, skills and talent to become a nationally recognized self-improvement expert, author and success coach. She would love to share with other NIWH graduates the secrets to her phenomenal success and provide you with the tools, tips and target goals to create your own whole health focused success! Debi will help you leverage your Whole Health training to become a published author-writer, publish and market books; build a platform through social media, article writing, blogging, guest blogging and more; create products and programs to serve clients online; grow a successful speaking career; create group education or coaching programs; participate in online teleseminars, webinars and tele-summits to promote your Whole Health business. See Debi’s TEDx presentation.For a free phone consultation with Debi contact the NIWH Program Services Department at 888-354-HEAL (4325).

NIWH has partnered with MINDBODY, a practice management tool for wellness professionals. All NIWH learners will receive 3 months at 50% off their monthly software subscription. This outstanding partnership also affords NIWH certified Whole Health graduates with a free demonstration of the MINDBODY practice software. MINDBODY low cost practice management allows professionals to manage their schedules and clients/patients from any device. In addition, MINDBODY app allows consumers to find your private practice and book an appointment with you. Click here to learn more.

All NIWH learners receive a 1 year complimentary membership in the APHA, one of the largest Professional Health Advocate organizations in the U.S. APHA offers many educational benefits, networking opportunities, free podcasts and webinars, as well as discounts on events, programs and business development programs. Read more
For NIWH Whole Health certified Nurses who wish to apply their Whole Health coursework towards the AHNCC Board Certified Nurse Coach certification, 60 Mentored Hours of Coaching, with an AHNCC Board Certified Nurse is required to become board certified.Through its educational partnership with the Bark Institute and Dr. Linda Bark, NIWH graduates will receive a significant discount for the 60 hour Mentorship Coaching required for AHNCC. NIWH graduates receive a 15% discount on Foundation I program. 20% discount on Foundation II, A & B, and Practicum I.
Re-Cert and Continuing Education for NIWH Graduates – Beginning January 1, 2007, NIWH Whole Health professionals will be required to re-cert each year to maintain their Whole Health Education credentials for network inclusion and professional privileges. Eight (8) CE contact hours are required each year. These Whole Health CE contact hours may be completed on-line. A special, discounted continuing education fee $99.00 covers the cost of the CE program and certificate. For NIWH learners who have not re-certificated since 2007, a special 10 course program is available which allows the NIWH graduates to take advantage of all the outstanding professional credentials and opportunities available through NIWH. For more information contact the Business Office at 888-354-4325.

Whole Health Success Tutorials – NIWH’s outstanding FREE Whole Health Success tutorial prepares graduates for professional success. After completing your program, you can receive personalized information, tools, tips and networking information necessary to create a successful private practice or land the “job of your dreams”. A personalized 45 minute consult to assist you with your individualized goals is provided. To schedule your no cost tutorial contact the NIWH Business Office at 888-354-4325.
Behavioral Engagement – Currently the subject of two pilot studies through CMU, and a current Research Collaborative with Michigan State University, College of Human Medicine, the Behavioral Engagement Certificate on-line Webinar and Video Training in “Communication Facilitation” is available to all NIWH learners and graduates at significant savings. This training is appropriate for all professional, as well as, personal communication applications and have been proven by over 35 years of research to immediately transform relationships when utilized and applied properly. The training is available on-line and is accessed at the learners convenience 24/7. For more information, contact the NIWH Business Office at 888-354-4325.