NIWH Graduate Spotlight:
Beverly Wedda
NIWH Graduate Spotlight Questionnaire
Dr. Beverly Wedda, MD
Q: What drew you to the Whole Health field and the National Institute of Whole Health?
A: “My experience of the Whole Health Education program is, “why don’t medical schools incorporate this [whole health, integrated model] into their curriculum?”
Q: Did the Whole Health training meet your professional goals?
A: “I now truly understand how everything is connected to everything else!”
Q: How are you currently applying your training from NIWH?
A: As a board certified family physician in Durham, North Carolina, affiliated with Durham Veterans Affairs Medical Center and Co-Chair of their Whole Heath effort –
“I’m committed to whole person health care, [and worked to establish a holistic health center in Massachusetts that offered holistically oriented services, support and resources]. I am a primary care physician, practicing Family Medicine and believe in the Whole Health Education® philosophy and a whole person approach to medicine.”
Q: Would you recommend the Whole Health training to others?
A: “Every medical professional should be required to take
this program!”