Holistic Nurse Certification

The National Institute of Whole Health 3-in-1 Whole Health Educator for Nurses program is endorsed and approved by the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA) and the American Holistic Nurse Credentialing Corporation (AHNCC) to meet the continuing education requirements necessary to apply for Holistic Nurse certification and Nurse Coach certification. NIWH is a nationally accredited provider, with distinction, of ANCC continuing education contact hours.
The 3-in-1 Whole Health Program for Nurses is designed for those who wish to provide patient health education and advocacy to empower their patients to take greater control of their health. This program provides evidence-based, holistic health information and education for patient self-care and disease prevention.
NIWH also offers a unique opportunity for Nurse Coaches to earn NPI credentials as Patient Health Educators, which allows for billing and coding in private practice. For more information about this exciting opportunity visit our Nurse Coach Track page.
The Purpose of National Holistic Nurse Certification
Establishes minimum knowledge and competency standards for holistic nursing practice and assures the public that the certified holistic nurse has completed all eligibility requirements to earn a credential verifying that he/she has achieved the level of knowledge and competency required for practice of holistic nursing; and recognizes nurses who have met those standards.
Recently AHNCC has developed a board certification exam for Nurse Coaching, in addition to the national Holistic Nurse certification exam. For more information and application visit www.ahncc.org or www.ahna.org.
Explore our website for more information about holistic nursing certification.